Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Have you ever been misunderstood? Been judged harshly by someone who read a false motive into something you said or did? It is the feeling of dissapointment when we have done our best for a good intention yet ended up wronged by others.

Well I do.. Then I'll ask myself so many times, "What did I do wrong?". When I'm done asking myself, I decided to ask God.

me: "God, am I not doing my best? Why would this happened to me?"

God: "Are you saying you don't deserve to be misunderstood? So tell me... what do you expect from them?"

me: "I do not expect a 'Thank you' but at least I expect them to trust and understand my good intention."

God: "Well child... Have you ever played the game called Chinese Whisper?

me: "Yes, of course. It's a game where one whisper a phrase to the next person and so on. The sentence would then be greatly differed when it reaches the last person"

God: "There you are. Don't you get the idea that most people find it's hard to listen? Even Jesus knows about being misunderstood. When he preached in Nazareth, his boyhood home, the people dismissed him as a nobody. 'Isn't this the carpenter's son?' they asked. He must have felt terribly alone when people misread and misjudged him. "

me: "I understand what you meant. But it still hard to face these people."

God: "This is what you should do. Pray for them, be kind and respectful, seek the good and privately work in the best interests of those who are working against us, and purposely avoid telling them what we do for them."

Me: "Alrite God. I'll do that"

God: "Good. And remember one thing, when you feel like you're abandoned know that I'll always by your side"

"You will all leave me; yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me"
John 16:32).

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