Friday, November 21, 2008

The other side of wrong

I guess life is inclining more toward the wrong side these days. Questions like "What's wrong with him, her and the world?" or "What did I do wrong?" often pop up in our daily conversation. On the other hand, good things seems to fade away in silence.

Debugging was one of my daily routine through out my Uni lifes. Spending those hours trying to locate the bugs in my program (I was an IT student back then) has made me into a super-critical monster when dealing with mistakes. Believe me, this would happen to you after searching thoroughly for days; only to find a mislocated comma. I believe everyone must've experienced these kind of quest just as simple as looking for an error in a calculation.

Watching the 'Bones' TV series yesterday, I was so touched by the reality that even a dog could manage to only see the good side of a person. The episode was about a dog named Ripley, who simply follow his master's order to attack another person. That person died and ironicallyRipley was put down. The intriguing part is the fact that his owner raise Ripley for a dog-fighting show, sew his wound carelessly only to put him in another dog fight and yet he loves him until the end.

And that's exactly how God sees the good in us no matter how we mistreat Him. So when will we start looking at the other side of wrong? Lets do our best to only see the good in people :)

"Even if you have been banished to the most distant land under the heavens, from there the LORD your God will gather you and bring you back" Deutronomy 30:4