Monday, December 10, 2007

God has zero debts

In last 2 months, I often joke around with my fellow church friends who do me a favor, that their reward is waiting for them in heaven. It was the same statement I'll say to myself everytime I felt exhausted during my "working hours". It is the ultimate awakening to go on with what I want to do for my God.

But God reminded me that "GOD does not owe us anything" He'll never say, "I'll pay you back later". He simply does not owe! Everyday His blessing is poured upon me whether I want to acknowledge it or not.

Remember this:

"God does not owe you answers to your prayers. God does not owe you His presence. God does not owe you help when you are in trouble. "

So stay still knowing His blessings is poured everyday in your life until the end of time!

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