Wednesday, December 19, 2007

To read and not to write

Have you ever wish that people would do what you think they should've done?
Or do things the way you think it supposed to be done?
In other word, to wish that all people would be just like me? Think like me, act like me... how hard would that be?

Here is a awakening thought "Things that thrills me might bothers others"

I believe some or even few people in the world are good listeners, and I'm definitely not one of them. That is why psychiatrist is highly paid to L.I.S.T.E.N.

We are so busy trying to 'write' and ignore the fact that it is important to 'read' too. Sometimes we are trapped in the world of "I know better" "There's nothing wrong in doing things my way".
And mostly it wasn't due to being arrogant or selfish. We are just desperately wanna do things better, which means it has to be done our way.

Maybe it's time for us to increase our reading hours. Instead of 'write' - trying to fix things, to get people to change, we could pause and look at ourselves. We may have to change our own way of thinking. I know it is extremely hard because what we want to do is not necessarily wrong, but it is just not the right thing to do for us and others' sake :)

This is the challenge : Do one thing you don't like per day, and see how it goes!

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